About The Owner

Healtheverydaytips was founded by Shuvozit Dewyen, a passionate advocate for holistic health and wellness. After struggling for years with his own health issues, Shuvozit is devoted to helping others improve their quality of life through simple, natural approaches.

Shuvozit’s health journey began over 10 years ago when he started experiencing digestive troubles and frequent fatigue. Despite seeing numerous doctors and specialists, his symptoms persisted and his health deteriorated.

Refusing to accept this as his new normal, Shuvozit began researching natural solutions. Through trial and error, he slowly overhauled his diet, lifestyle habits, and stress management techniques. Over time, he experienced a remarkable improvement in his energy, digestion, and overall wellbeing.

This transformation sparked Shuvozit’s fascination with using evidence-based holistic methods to proactively optimize health. He began voraciously reading books and research studies on topics like nutrition, herbal supplements, brain health, and the mind-body connection. He also experimented with various wellness modalities on himself before recommending anything to others.

Now thriving in great health, Shuvozit is passionate about empowering others on their wellness journey. He launched healtheverydaytips to share the practical tips and solutions that have worked so effectively for improving his own life.

Shuvozit continues his health education by constantly reading the latest evidence-based research, attending conferences, and collaborating with top wellness experts. He makes sure all the advice given on healtheverydaytips adheres to strict standards for safety and efficacy.

When he’s not working on his website, Shuvozit enjoys being active outdoors, cooking nutritious meals, and spending downtime with family. He also has a daily meditation practice that he credits as foundational for his health and mindset shifts over the years.

Shuvozit hopes his own inspirational healing transformation, combined with his wealth of knowledge and vigorous vetting process, makes healtheverydaytips a trusted resource in your wellness journey. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to him if you have any questions!