What is the alpine ice hack for weight loss?

Drinking ice cold water first thing in the morning – it sounds almost too simple to be true.

But the Alpine Ice Hack, a trending weight loss technique, claims that gulping down 16oz of chilled H2O before breakfast can torch calories and stoke your metabolism.

This chilly ritual hails from the clean-living habits of the long-lived people living in isolated Alpine villages.

By mimicking their habit of starting the day with frosty aqua, the Ice Hack purports you can slim down and reap health gains.

But does this frosty fix really work? Let’s dive into the cold hard facts on the Alpine Ice Hack and find out if it’s worth waking up to ice-cold water.

What is the Alpine Ice Hack?

The core premise of the Alpine Ice Hack is simple: drink at least 16oz of icy cold water first thing in the morning before you eat breakfast.

The colder the water, the better. We’re talking straight from the fridge, add ice cubes, make it frosty cold. Don’t let any warmth diminish the chill.

Some versions suggest continuing the chill by drinking an additional 8-16oz of cold water before each meal throughout the day.

So in total, you’d be consuming 48-64oz of chilly aqua daily alongside your regular water intake.

The Origins of the Hack

The icy ritual has its roots in the isolated Alpine villages of Europe, where people have historically lived long, healthy lives well into their 100s.

Scientists studying these robust mountain people noted that most begin their day by drinking 1-2 liters of pure glacial water.

Drawing an connection between their icy water habit and longevity, the “Alpine Ice Hack” was born.

The hype around the hack went viral when proponents claimed:

  • It’s a metabolism booster and calorie-burner
  • It suppresses appetite for easier weight loss
  • It has anti-aging benefits

Although minimal research confirms these bold claims, the drink of glacial water caught on as a wellness trend for optimal health and weight loss.

How Does Chugging Icy Water Help You Lose Weight?

The logic behind the Alpine Ice Hack is that drinking exceedingly cold water forces your body to warm it up to your internal core temp.

This rise in thermogenesis (heat produced by the body) expends extra energy and burns additional calories.

Proponents claim that starting your day with an icy glass boosts your resting metabolism and incinerates more calories throughout the day. Some cite up to 100 extra calories burned per icy cold drink!

Additionally, the cold temperature is believed to suppress appetite slightly. The sheer volume of the frosty drink makes your stomach feel fuller. This leads to eating less overall.

Maintaining hydration is also key for weight loss. Water aids digestion and prevents false hunger signals.

Many confuse thirst for hunger, so staying hydrated with icy H20 curbs overeating.

What Are the Benefits of the Alpine Ice Hack?

Along with potential weight loss benefits, proponents point to these bonus benefits of following the frosty regimen:

Increased Calorie Burn

Drinking cold water does cause a slight uptick in calories burned as your body adjusts it to your internal temperature.

The amount of “extra” calories actually torched is debatable, but the calorie-burning effect is legit.

Metabolism Boost

Some research indicates that drinking cold water may give your resting metabolism a small boost. A German study found increased calorie and fat burning after drinking cold water.

Appetite Suppression

The sheer volume of the cold water creates a “full” feeling, while the temp makes you less interested in food. This can lead to consuming fewer calories.

Detoxification & Cleansing

Being adequately hydrated supports the body’s natural detoxification processes via the lymphatic system, kidneys, and liver.

Energy & Mental Clarity

Proper hydration energizes the mind and body. Even mild dehydration causes fatigue, brain fog, and plummeting metabolism.

Healthier Digestion

Water helps move waste and toxins through the intestines and colon. The cold temp also stimulates GI motility.

Glowing Skin

Chugging icy aqua boosts circulation and nutrient delivery to the skin, giving your complexion a healthy glow.

Step-By-Step Guide to Following the Alpine Ice Hack

Curious to test out the frosty fat-burning power of the Alpine Ice Hack? Here is a step-by-step guide:

1. Prepare your icy cold water

Fill a 16oz or larger glass with very cold tap water or filtered water. Add a few ice cubes as well to maximize the chill factor.

For flavor, you can add lemon, lime, cucumber slices, mint leaves, or other herbs.

2. Drink immediately upon waking

Gulp down the entire glass within 2-3 minutes of waking, before eating breakfast or other liquids besides water.

Drink with a straw to prevent the cold liquid from contacting your teeth directly and causing tooth sensitivity.

3. Refill and drink another 8-16oz pre-meal

About 30 minutes before lunch and dinner, pour another big glass of super chilled water and drink up.

4. Stick with the cold

To get the benefits, make sure your water is always as cold as possible with plenty of ice. Room temperature H20 won’t deliver the same effects.

5. Gradually increase your intake

Start with 16oz in the morning, and add another 8oz glass before other meals. Slowly increase the amount until you’re drinking 48-64oz of chilled water daily.

6. Set reminders

It’s easy to forget your icy drink when busy, so set phone alarms to remind yourself it’s time for a chill chug.

7. Infuse your water

Add lemons, limes, berries, cucumbers, or herbs like mint to boost the flavor and motivation to stick with the hack.

Tips for Success with the Alpine Ice Hack

Making the Alpine Ice Hack an easy, sustainable habit requires some strategy. Try these tips:

  • Make it accessible – Keep a pitcher of water and ice handy in the fridge to grab on the go. Have frozen fruit ready to infuse flavor.
  • Drink from a straw – Sipping slowly through a straw minimizes contact between the cold liquid and teeth. It prevents temperature shock and sensitivity.
  • Set reminders – Using alerts on your phone, Fitbit, or calendar can nudge you to drink at the ideal times. Consistency is key.
  • Infuse it – Herbs, citrus fruits, cucumbers, berries and melons add flavor and temptation. They make the water more enjoyable long term.
  • Gradually increase – Don’t force it all at once. Slowly up your icy drink game over 2-4 weeks until you hit the goal amounts.
  • Measure your progress – Use a journal or app to track your daily water intake and any changes in energy, cravings, etc. This can motivate you to keep it up!
  • Make it a habit – Like any new habit, consistency is key. Stick with the ice water every single morning for at least 2-4 weeks until it becomes automatic.

Potential Concerns with the Alpine Ice Hack

While proponents rave about the slimming power of icy aqual, there are some potential drawbacks to consider:

  • Tooth sensitivity – Exposing teeth frequently to extremely cold liquids can increase sensitivity and enamel damage over time. Use a straw to minimize contact.
  • GI discomfort – Some people may experience stomach cramps or diarrhea from drinking excessive cold water, especially in the morning with an empty stomach. Increase amounts gradually.
  • Not drinking enough – If you only sip icy water slowly, you may end up dehydrated overall. Ensure you still drink adequate non-icy fluids too.
  • Unwanted calories – Avoid sabotaging the hack’s effects by mixing in sugary flavorings or calories. Stick to low-cal options like herbs, fruit or cucumbers.
  • Interfering with sleep – Consuming large amounts of water too close to bedtime can disrupt sleep with middle-of-the-night bathroom runs. Stop at least 2 hours pre-bed.

The Bottom Line on the Alpine Ice Hack

At the end of the day, the Alpine Ice Hack is unlikely to produce drastic weight loss results on its own. But it can be a supportive part of an overall healthy lifestyle:

  • It nudges you to stay hydrated, which is beneficial for health, energy and weight control.
  • It may provide a slight metabolism and calorie burn boost, though likely minimal. Every little bit counts.
  • It encourages mindful eating by curbing excessive hunger and cravings.
  • It’s a simple, easy ritual to start your day feeling healthy

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