What to eat with hummus for weight loss?

Hey there, friend! Looking to lose a few pounds in a nutritious and tasty way? Well, you’re in luck, because hummus is here to help!

This creamy, chickpea-based dip is loaded with fiber and protein to help keep you satisfied. And the best part? It’s absolutely delicious.

But here’s the catch – you can’t just slather hummus on everything and expect the weight to magically melt away.

Nope, you’ve got to pair it with the right whole foods to transform hummus into a diet rockstar. That’s exactly what we’re covering in this article.

I’m dishing out all my top tips on what to eat with hummus to maximize fullness, nourish your body from the inside out, and still enjoy tons of flavor.

Get ready for simple yet creative hummus pairings centered around fresh veggies, whole grains, lean protein, and more – all without blowing your calorie budget.

Ready to make hummus your new diet bestie? Let’s get dipping!

Smart Foods to Eat With Hummus for Weight Loss

Here are the top foods to combine with hummus to stay comfortably full on fewer total calories:

1. Raw or Lightly Cooked Veggies

Is there any better partner for creamy, delicious hummus than a big pile of fresh, crunchy veggies?

I think not! Raw options like carrot sticks, celery stalks, bell pepper strips, cucumber spears, and more make perfect hummus dippers.

You can also go for lightly steamed, roasted, or grilled picks like broccoli and cauliflower florets or sliced zucchini.

Veggies are incredibly low in calories yet packed with fiber and water to help fill you up in a major way.

It’s like getting a jumbo-sized snack for barely any calorie investment! Pile those veggies up and dip away to your heart’s (and belly’s) desire.

What are the best veggies for dipping in hummus?
So many different raw veggie varieties make tasty hummus companions! Here are some top contenders:

  • Carrot sticks
  • Celery stalks
  • Bell pepper strips (red, yellow, orange, or green all work)
  • Cucumber spears
  • Jicama sticks
  • Cauliflower or broccoli florets
  • Snap peas
  • Green beans
  • Sliced fennel
  • Radish coins
  • Zucchini or yellow squash rounds

The cool crunch of raw veggies makes a nice textural contrast against creamy hummus. Feel free to mix and match different seasonal faves for maximum variety.

How much should I eat?
For a light and nourishing 100-150 calorie snack, I suggest pairing around 1-1.5 cups of raw sliced veggies with 2-4 tablespoons of hummus. For example:

  • 1 cup sliced bell peppers + 3 tbsp hummus
  • 1 cup baby carrots + 1/4 cup hummus
  • 1.5 cups cucumber slices + 1/4 cup hummus
  • 1 cup snap peas + 3 tbsp hummus

Really load up on the lower-calorie veggies to maximize fullness. Then, listen to your hunger cues and add extra lean protein if needed.

2. Whole Grain Crackers, Pita, or Toast

Hear me out – sometimes you just gotta have a little crunch with your creamy hummus! In moderation, enjoying whole grain crackers, pita bread, or lightly toasted whole wheat bread can totally fit into a weight loss diet.

Why go whole grain?
Compared to processed, refined white flour products, 100% whole wheat and other whole grain foods provide way more belly-filling, blood sugar-stabilizing fiber. Look for options made with wholesome ingredients like:

  • 100% whole wheat flour
  • Oats
  • Quinoa
  • Brown rice
  • Buckwheat
  • Millet

Just keep an eye on portions, since some crackers and pitas can pack surprisingly high amounts of calories into a small serving.

What are smart portion sizes?
When it comes to whole grain hummus dippers, focus on:

  • 5-6 whole wheat crackers like Triscuits or Wheat Thins
  • 1 small (4″ or so) wedge of whole wheat pita
  • 1 slice lightly toasted whole grain bread, cut into strips

Go for a light dip rather than a thick spread of hummus to keep added calories in check. And of course, fill out the rest of your plate or bowl with lots of veggies.

3. Lean Protein

Level up your hummus from basic dip to satisfying snack or meal by adding a source of lean protein on the side.

Options like turkey slices, chicken breast, hard boiled eggs, or tofu bring extra staying power while supporting overall health.

Some tasty protein toppers and dippers include:

  • Turkey or chicken breast slices
  • Hard boiled eggs
  • Tofu or tempeh cubes
  • Roasted chickpeas
  • Black beans or lentils
  • Greek yogurt
  • Cottage cheese
  • Edamame

Go for simple preparations without a lot of added oils or sauces.

A few quick examples could be dipping turkey strips into hummus, topping cottage cheese with a scoop of hummus, or enjoying a hard boiled egg alongside a big veggie hummus platter.

4. Fresh Fruit

You might associate hummus strictly with salty snacks and veggies, but let me let you in on a little secret – fruit can make an unexpectedly delicious sweet pairing too!

The subtle nutty, slightly tart flavors in hummus complement the natural sweetness of fresh, seasonal produce.

What fruit goes best with hummus?
Look for varieties that are firm yet juicy and lend themselves well to dipping, like:

  • Fresh apple slices
  • Pear wedges
  • Banana chunks
  • Strawberries
  • Mango cubes
  • Fresh figs

The crunch and sweetness of fruit balances hummus’ savory notes in such a tasty way.

How much fruit should I have?

For a nourishing snack, try pairing around 1/2 cup fresh sliced fruit with 2-3 tablespoons of hummus. Some combo examples:

  • 1/2 medium apple + 2 tbsp hummus
  • 1/2 cup strawberries + 3 tbsp hummus
  • 1/2 banana + 2-3 tbsp hummus

This creative flavor mashup allows you to healthfully satisfy your sweet tooth with a balanced approach. Yum!

Why These Foods Make Great Hummus Companions for Weight Loss

Alright, now that we’ve covered the what in terms of hummus pairings, let’s talk about the why.

Here’s a quick recap of why these foods team up so well with hummus for effective slimming:

1. Hummus Provides Filling Protein and Fiber

In just a 1/2 cup portion, hummus delivers over 7 grams of protein along with 6 grams of dietary fiber.

Both of these nutrients are critical for appetite regulation and lasting weight management since they take longer to digest, helping you feel fuller for longer.

The fiber also supports digestive and heart health as a bonus. Plus, the protein assists with building and repairing tissues.

So hummus offers ample nutrition and staying power in a small, calorie-conscious package.

2. The Paired Foods Add Lots of Volume

By teaming hummus with high-volume, water-rich foods like veggies, fruit, and whole grains, you can fill up and enjoy a much larger total amount of food for relatively few calories. Research shows that following a “volumetrics” dietary approach enhances feelings of fullness and satiety.

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