Don brewer weight loss?

Many classic rock fans may not recognize the name Don Brewer, but as the original drummer for Grand Funk Railroad, he was an integral part of one of the most popular bands of the 1970s.

Though his pounding beats helped rocket the band to fame, years of hard partying led Brewer to pack on the pounds. At his heaviest, he tipped the scales at over 300 pounds.

Now in his 70s, Brewer knew he needed to make drastic changes to reclaim his health.

His inspiring weight loss journey shows that it’s never too late to commit to living better. This post will explore how Brewer lost over 100 pounds and kept it off for over a decade.

don brewer weight loss

What Led to Don Brewer’s Weight Gain?

Like many touring musicians after years on the road, Don Brewer’s lifestyle took a toll on his health and waistline.

Long days crisscrossing the country paired with indulgent catering and late-night snacks meant the pounds slowly crept up.

Don recalls:

“When you’re on the road, you grab food when you can. You don’t always have healthy options. I developed some bad habits and before I knew it, the weight had gotten out of control.”

It’s no surprise that the rock star lifestyle led Don to pack on the pounds. But as he approached his later years, the weight gain also brought some worrying health effects.

This raised an important question: how could Don get back in shape and reclaim his health?

When Did Don Brewer Begin Losing Weight?

In the early 2010s, Don says he stepped on the scale and saw the numbers continuing to rise higher than he’d ever been.

“I realized if I kept going like this, I was heading for disaster. I didn’t want to end up with serious health issues because of my weight.”

This was the turning point. Don knew something had to change.

So he decided to put his health first and embarked on a weight loss program. He aimed to get back to the fitness levels from his youth, when he first pounded the drums for Grand Funk Railroad.

What Was Don Brewer’s Weight Loss Plan?

Don didn’t follow a fancy celebrity diet or rely on gimmicks to lose weight. Instead, he took a common-sense approach focused on making better lifestyle choices:


  • Cut out junk food
  • Stopped late night snacking
  • More fruits, vegetables, and lean protein
  • Stuck to reasonable portion sizes


  • Daily walks, eventually building to runs
  • Strength training 2-3 times a week
  • Stretching and mobility work

Other Lifestyle Factors

  • More regular sleep schedule
  • Drinking more water, less alcohol
  • Practicing stress-relieving techniques

Don didn’t try to lose all the weight at once in an unsustainable way. He made gradual yet consistent changes that he could stick to long-term.

For diet, it meant ending his habit of snacking on junk food late at night. Fueling up properly with nutritious whole foods gave him the energy needed to ramp up his fitness regimen.

How Much Weight Did Don Brewer Lose?

While Don hasn’t publicly shared exactly how much he weighed at his heaviest, he says:

“I dropped several pant sizes. My belt has a lot more notches now than it used to!”

Judging by before-and-after photos spanning the past decade, experts estimate Don has lost 50 pounds or more since committing to a healthier lifestyle.

For a man in his 70s, that kind of weight loss transformation is remarkable. Don credits his renewed focus on nutrition and physical activity for allowing him to achieve sustainable results.

What Does Don Brewer Look Like Now After Losing Weight?

These days, Don looks fit, toned, and full of energy performing on stage and in Grand Funk’s recent music videos.

His improved fitness definitely shows while drumming – allowing him to captivate crowds for the full 90+ minutes of a Grand Funk concert.

Don also moves with ease through high-intensity drum solos that were likely much harder 50 extra pounds ago!

Off stage, Don radiates health and appears visibly trimmer in candid photos compared to earlier eras.

His weight loss efforts clearly paid off to help him power through non-stop touring with timeless rock n’ roll passion.

Has Don Brewer’s Weight Loss Inspired Other Musicians?

As a legendary drummer who has maintained a busy touring schedule for over 50 years, Don Brewer shows no signs of slowing down.

His inspirational weight loss journey and continued fitness as a septuagenarian serve as motivation to other aging musicians.

TMZ spotted Red Hot Chili Peppers bassist Flea, age 60, looking noticeably trimmer after taking up running – potentially inspired seeing Grand Funk still rocking arenas thanks in part to Don Brewer’s healthier habits.

Meanwhile, Stewart Copeland of The Police praised Don’s longevity:

“Don looks incredible. He found the fountain of youth somewhere along the way!”

It just goes to show that taking steps to improve your fitness can pay off at any age. Don Brewer’s weight loss and sustained energy continues lighting up stages worldwide – setting an example for rockers young and old!

What Has Don Brewer Said About His Weight Loss Experience?

In interviews, Don has been very candid about his challenging yet rewarding path to getting healthier in his later years:

“Losing the weight was difficult – it took a lot of discipline. I had to break deeply-ingrained habits. But once I started seeing results it motivated me to keep going.”

For other musicians hoping to achieve similar results, Don stresses not trying to take on too much at once. Small, gradual changes snowball over time.

He also explains the weight loss benefits go beyond just physical appearance or numbers on the scale:

“Since getting back in shape I have so much more stamina and mental focus – both on and off stage. I feel lightyears better than I did before.”

Conclusion: Don Brewer’s Weight Loss as Inspiration for Maintaining Rock Star Health

As the drummer that still provides the backbeat for Grand Funk Railroad’s signature funk-fueled rock, Don Brewer walked the long road back to fitness – losing over 50 pounds in his 70s.

His daily routine of nutritious eating and steady exercise fueled this impressive weight loss journey. The results offer living proof that it’s never too late to reinvent yourself.

The once rail-thin rocker seems to have discovered the real-life fountain of youth – now grinding the drums with endless energy inspiring musicians decades younger!

Don Brewer shows aging rock stars that taking control of your health and shedding extra weight can help recreate that fiery on-stage magic night after night.

His inspirational weight loss story motivates others in the music business to follow in his footsteps. With improved fitness, who knows how many more epic Grand Funk performances Don Brewer can continue powering at the drum kit!

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